
aci, aussi, I see.

A few things I certainly need to touch up on before May 5th are..

Becoming Amicable:

The composure I seek to have while I'm away is a threatening young woman. I mean this not in terms of violence, but fierce. Powerful. Memorable.  I want to be approachable. 

The essence of my Creativity:

Is feeling quite low. I'm uninspired by winter. Overwhelmed by darkness throughout the day. A big blank. If this emotion were to be drawn out until my adventure I would be devastated to say the least.

Finding Inspiration (everywhere):

I wish this was a substance at my disposal. I make the mistake of not searching for it enough, hence the blathering on about how uncreative/ uninspired I am . Ouvir mes yeux pour changer. Well not everywhere, but more often than not.

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