

Today marks 300 posts on this blog. And such a large majority have been in this calender year. Almost half! I vowed to write more, and so I have been. In many ways. 

While enjoying the beginning of summer, I've been very busy. Not in a tied down "I won't answer your calls" type-way. But in a plotting way. Plotting takes up a lot of energy, I'd say. Much has to do with my trip to Europe, which was delayed a couple months but is still taking place. I leave one month today. I will fly into Paris and everything else- is history. Also, my fall school schedule, life schedule, etc. Merde.

Perfect summer things I've been up to: bike rides, exploring nature with you, girls night at the cabin, red wine, white wine, laaaaate night, farewells x2, book shopping, making iced tea, writing, & napping in the sun..

I'm really only doing all this to keep calm and occupied, biding my time and keeping my wallet thick as can be.

I have a girlfriend, and she is my novel in progress. She's never satiated, always wanting more, and never getting just the riiiight amount of attention. But, I love her.

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