
All you can feel (in under a day)

Waking up (first thoughts are about homemade breakfast biscuits with egg and cheddar cheese), stumble out of bed after a elongated extended stretched expanded rest, fully at ease.

My last shift at Breads and Circuses is coming up (it's the end of an era) and the fall of a great place. So sad, however I feel the future is illuminated (things are going my way), let's just say..

Writing is what I like to do (most). It's the easiest task for me to do. I got a couple writing gigs going on so I like where I'm at, which is also free of retail or restaurant work (other than being additional help for family business). 

A reoccurring issue (if you can call it that), or more so feeling, experience, etc. Cliche to say it, but I've been getting out of body highs. Sober from booze for one week and they've doubled in frequencies. Completely mirror image (is my world). I'm upside down. In the trees, the grass, frolicking in herbs. I don't know where I truly am, but I'm not in my body that's for certain. Maybe I'm just in an extension of my âme.

Tomorrow, I focus. All those tedious things must be done, like make appointments for interviews, phone calls, emails. Modern day treacheries. Can't I just write you or make an appointment with your secretary? I wish. Patience was key in the olden days, I bet.

I started translating "Gravity and Grace" par Simone Weil in French. It is great fun but takes a full nights sleep, so that's what I'll get for myself right now.

The sun is out (most of the time). Et je suis contente, en petite peu.

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